this is not a political blog.
having said that, i must go political for just a moment.
yes, i am a registered republican. yes, i vote republican most of the time.
look at the goof on the right. the guy who lost the popular vote in 2000 but still won the white house. the one who can't form a sentence without saying "uhh". the one with that goddamn Bush Smirk on his face. the one who stubbornly uses the bible as his sidearm. the one that goes to war for who knows what the hell for.
now look at the man on the left.
a new face. new ideas. more popular in the eyes of the rest of the world. the ability to talk circles around that bo-tard bush. a person who realizes mistakes and is willing to fix them rather than plod on in the same rut simply to avoid admitting defeat.
am i the only one who sees the light? i can't imagine four more years of his mistakes, shitty gags, and unprofound statements, and damage to our world image.
i am boggled by the lead that bush has in the polls. do people like him because they see a regular, goofy guy who says stupid things and therefore can relate to that? i suppose. but a regular goofy guy who says stupid things should not be president. voting for bush is like smoking--it makes no sense at all but still millions do it, and for what purpose? i am so glad to see the polls have evened out after the first debate.

would you buy a used car from this man? probably. vote for him? no. go smoke some cigarettes or something.
1,052 dead and 200 billion wasted in iraq. why? for what?
i'm just complaining. as usual. if you get anything out of this, please watch the coming debates. please vote. please get this asshead out of the white house.

in the words of Earl Pitts, WAKE UP, AMERICA!
--this concludes ben's political rant. now back to your regularly scheduled blarf.