and here i sit on a saturday night...
like every night.
kinda like last night, when i came home from work and fell asleep on the floor at 9pm.
but tonight, i feel fulfilled.
today was a typical workday--dealing with broken cars, trying to please gruff customers, and coaxing my shittiest employee to accomplish something besides offering me senseless bullshit excuses.
but after the official work was done, i took it upon myself to detail the shop's work truck. i haven't detailed a car since i worked for eltaday onicsay back in january and i realized all over again how much i enjoy doing it. it's a perfect occupation for a perfectionist who loves cars. it reminded me how i'd much rather be running a detail shop again instead of a repair shop. when i came home i was full of vim and vigor rather than the piss and vinegar i'm usually full of.
it makes me want to go back to the old job, maybe at the proposed new location near here. but no, that's a shitty idea. that company is like communist china--big, powerful, incredibly backwards, poorly run, and dangerously stupid.
i want to start my own business. however, a profitable detail shop is something of a pink elephant in Jefferson County, NY.
my mind stands tangled.
--this is all for now.

Benny's Place <--click here for a better view
in lighter news, i can't wait til the star wars trilogy comes out on DVD--finally! but i must make my standard blarf complaint--why can't it be the original versions? i can't stand the new stuff--especially that particular jabba the hutt/han solo scene--jabba WALKS? solo treats him like SHIT? talk about ruining jabba's fearsome nature. jabba should be SITTING and eating small live creatures out of glass jars. and killing slaves for sport. nobody steps on jabba's tail and gets away with it. not even solo.
buzznet is now back on my good side. they had issues. now they don't. and now flickr is on the mend. my how things change. and if you're wondering about that cool panorama of my living room--it's all in the elf s410. it kicks my ass (that means "it's good".)