ya know, not since high school (ok, maybe freshman year of college) have i had a crush on a real, tangible, living, breathing female (as opposed to, say, britney spears or something, who does not realistically exist in my life.) but now, at age 26, i am smitten like a 13-year old boy.
she is beautiful. and smart. and she's funny in a clever, low-key kinda way. GAWWWD is she ever cute. ugh! she's that girl you can't stare at enough. perfectly crafted. 0.00 flaws, physically and personality-wise.
--but she's outta my league. shit, yo, she ain't even in the game. besides, they're never as perfect as you think they are.
aww, never mind. i'm over her. back to the usual random useless bullshit:

RIP Rick James. i apologize for the low resolution of my rick james/family circus tribute. i spent, like, 10 minutes trying to make it look better and that was 9.5 minutes too long.
we can be at peace knowing that rick james is snorting coke in heaven with chris farley, elvis, and darryl strawberry (oops, he's not dead yet--how about bobby brown? naw, he ain't dead yet either. ah! john belushi! HE'S a dead drug addict. we have a winner!)
lesson of the day for the kiddies: do drugs and die. don't be like rick james, bitch.