the scrambler hit 100,000 miles today!
my coworker and i did the obligatory Chinese Fire Drill* when the odometer rolled over. it was a bittersweet moment--i had hoped to be in a new vehicle before 100,000--but that hasn't happened yet. i'm gettin' close tho--i've found just the right trade-in at work and i'm arranging to buy it. but i really wish i coulda had it before now so i wasn't burning up 50 precious scrambler miles on my daily commute instead of using them on backcountry four wheeling trails and jeep jamborees. oh well. it's still running strong for a 21-year old vehicle, and maybe i can get it to hit 200,000.
i apologize for the lack of posts lately. i've been in the middle of another career change and apartment switch. more details on that later. soon enough, we (me) at the Blarf will be celebrating yet another milestone--100 posts. (this is #98!)
the next time you hear from me, i'll be rolling in cash from the new job and rolling in hotties at the new apartment complex. stay tuned.
* Chinese Fire Drill: (chi-nez' fir dril) noun. 1. the act of getting out of the car at a red light, running around the car in random fashion, and getting back in before the light changes. [Origin: Latin~chineseous fireous drillicus.]
(no, i'm not racist against the chinese. i LOVE chinese food.) (ha ha--another stupid american judging the chinese by substandard, americanized chinese food. goddamn stupid frigging american.)
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