the loyal steeds (jeep and ford exploder) parked in front of the new roost.
i think buzznet has officially shit the bed.
or maybe they just got sick of people like me using the site simply for image hosting and put a stop to it. (thus, my pictures on the blarf have not been loading lately.) (and the same goes for bstats for us blogger users; i guess we won't be able to see who's been reading us anymore. no more "anal destruction xxx pics" searchers. ah well--maybe i'm better off not knowing those things.)
at any rate, mark recommended www.flickr.com for image hosting and boy, it sure beats buzznet. i haven't even begun to explore flickr and i'm already impressed. you can modify and resize images, and that's all i need. plus, it's fun to say it fast: FLICKR FLICKR FLICKR!

and more great news for you blarf photo lovers:
i now have a digital camera: the canon powershot s410 elf. it, too, rocks, and FINALLY i can post pics as they happen--not 2 months later when i get the film developed. (note, the first pic, as shown above--taken a mere 5 minutes ago!) my last 35mm camera finally gave up the ghost when i tried to load a new roll--it would have NONE of that. that's okay though, since using a 35mm camera makes me feel like a guy who still used 8 track tapes in the 80's (come on, man! git with the times!) 35mm is great--but not for blarfing.
and that leads into an aggrevating story:
i got this camera at best buy, a place i LOVE to HATE. i went there a month ago for the World's Most Perfect Entertainment Center. when you walk into that place, you're immediately covered with sales associates like stink on shit (piss off! i dunno what i want yet!) and when you're ready to make a purchase, those same associates have either: 1. gone to lunch, 2. gone out for a smoke, 3. been shuffled to another section, or 4. have completed their life span and have deceased (much like the mayfly--and this is why you never see the same salesperson twice.) and when you finally get an associate, they inform you that "(the item you'd like to purchase) is no longer in stock--in fact, we sold the last one an hour ago"--BULLSHIT you did--it's been out of stock or on backorder for weeks. don't lie to me. you leave the floor model out to make it LOOK like you have stuff in the store, but you haven't got ANYTHING out back except for dvds, cigarette butts, and the bodies of deceased sales associates.
no one else has the selection that best buy has (or should i say, the implied selection) so i pretty much had to go there. so it was that scene all over again when i grudgingly returned to buy a camera. i was determined to have this camera for my weekly trip home, and when the mayfly couldn't find the camera in the lockbox, she muttered, "we might have sold the last one"--i immediately went into an internal rage "YOU M**HER F**KERS AAAAGGGGHHHH DON'T TELL ME THIS BULLSHIT GODDAMN BEST BUY BULLSHIT *&$^#%@*(#$@#*$#$$*%!!!!!!!!!"
and then she said, "oh, wait, here it is! the last one!"
relief. murderous thoughts quelled. pulse rate lowering. blood down to a simmer.
much better.
as i left the carousel mall happily, i felt sorry for the next guy who would want a canon s410 elf--"sorry, sir, we sold the last one an hour ago...YOU M**HER F**KERS AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH DON'T TELL ME THIS BULLSHIT GODDAMN BEST BUY BULLSHIT *&$^#%@*(#$@#*$#$$*%!!!!!!!!!"