tonight has been quiet.
i'm not sure exactly how it happened. maybe it was cuz mark wasn't online to talk to. or because i decided not to call so-n-so in texas. or because the fridge is empty. or my apartment is clean. or because i used selson blue instead of suave in the shower. or maybe....cuz i turned off the tv.
i always have the tv on. when i'm reading the paper. when i'm on the phone. when i'm eating. when i'm blogging. when i'm pooping. when i'm awake in general. sadly, my tv is my roommate, and i rely on it all too often for a social life. as soon as i turned it off, i instantly felt alone, and sought after another outlet. ah! the radio. hmmm....not the same, which is a good thing. the radio lacks that social aspect but you still get that nice background hum that a single dude living alone needs. the crazy thing is, the station it was set on was a station from my hometown, which i haven't been in for over a year and a half, which gives you a pretty good idea of how often i listen to the radio outside of my vehicle.
after turning off the tv, i immediately had the urge to blog. i have the urge to work on my college scrapbook, which i haven't touched in two or three months. i have the urge to call people. i have the urge to go buy groceries. i have the urge to drink hot tea. i have the urge to water my plants. i have the urge to pick up the bass and learn more than 2 notes. and the urge put pictures in frames, mix CDs, get an aquarium, hang out at a country bar, go pet a dog, climb a tree, cruise erie blvd, sit on my balcony, wear my cowboy hat and boots, do sit ups and push ups, milk a cow, email and call old friends, and fly to texas.
turn off your damn tv, Ben. the tv is evil. tv is the devil. die, devil, die.
ummm...at least until "queer eye" comes on. (one addiction at a time, please.)