i keep hoping to see myself on blogger's "blogs of note". still not there. but they MUST be reading me, cuz now they're talking about jobs finding out about blogs, which i wrote about yesterday. and they wrote about the onion article on moms finding blogs, right after i wrote about mom reading my blog. but then again, maybe they're reading tony instead.
in the news: the average net worth of a family at the poverty level is $10,300. really. how is this measured? does this include the value of their children sold as slaves? i'm well above the poverty level, and i sure as hell don't have that kind of net worth. all i have is credit card bills, old beat-ass furniture, a refurbished 3+ year old computer, some shirts from JC Penney, and random condiments in the fridge. the half jar of prego sauce is the most expensive thing i own.
speaking of things i own, my red truck went to the shop today. and as with all animals, children, and old cars, they mysteriously get better before they go to the doctor. the truck's been skipping & sputtering at low throttle, and today it's better. the guy at the shop said he felt it skip but he didn't know what it was, and since it's a 20 year old truck (actually it's only 15, pal) i should just live with it til it gets worse, cuz the diagnostic work is sixty bucks and hour. thanks. i know, i know--you just don't wanna work on it. so i settled for an oil change. the battery's also near death, but since they charge 10 bucks to change it, i figured i'd do that myself. my nice new interstate battery is prolly worth more than the rest of the vehicle. *sigh*
that is all. back to listless, solitary channel surfing.