it's official. mom's reading my blog. gotta watchit, i guess.
my life is like a Ben Stiller movie.
where do i begin. yesterday, i couldn't get anything to go my way. my day was pathetically, ironically, and incessantly going wrong. once again, i spent a better part of the day parts-hunting for the red truck, including the 200 mile round trip lafargeville and back to syracuse. i went to advance auto, which, for some reason, i keep going back to even though they perpetually give me the wrong freaking parts. this time, i returned a heater hose and got a bunch of other crap. after having my sale interrupted by 20 other customers and phone calls (as usual at advance auto) they tallied my total. since i'm broke, i whipped out the credit card. de-NIED. what the *&%$#??? i since i had taken all other credit cards out of my wallet, i had to drive all the way back to my apartment, thru the sketchy part of town around the junk cars on the street and past the leering stares of the downtrodden getto-dwellers for a total of THREE TIMES to get another card. i grabbed two, just in case, and a smart thing too, cuz the first one i tried using what the @#&%$??? turns out my payment is 1.3 days late on the first, so it's "off" til they receive payment, and the other, they closed the account due to lack of use. how convenient! THEN i was off to another parts store to return another part and had to deal with this freaking yutz that couldn't understand how they'd given me the wrong part. anyway, then i was off to lafargeville.
it was a cold-ass ride. near record lows. like 20's and 30's low. not bad by a northern new yorker's standards, but bad enuff for early november, especially in a soft top jeep with no heater. you'd think after three grand of motor work, the heater would put out, but no. 0.00 BTU's of heat. just cold air. i dicked with the heater and thought i had it fixed, and also put a piece of cardboard infront of the radiator. no difference. i could remove the radiator and connect the two hoses together and this thing would still not get hot. frigging prehistoric cold-blooded freak of the automotive world. upon inspection, the heater hoses were ice cold, meaning the heater core is probly plugged. NEXT, i brought the parts (including heater parts--neither vehicle has heat) to tom (the guy working on the truck) and when we opened one of the boxes, we discovered the knucklehead counter guy at advance gave me the wrong brake caliper. apparently to him, the "right side" means "drivers side." GODDAMMIT! after nearly $1000 in repairs, most of which is going on credit, i'm really wondering if i should just sell this truck and start over. but i've frickin fixed everything that CAN be fixed! what could POSSIBLY go wrong now?? (famous last words, no doubt.)
i checked out heaters at walmart--the kind that plug into the cigarette lighter. for 30 bucks, i could buy one that could warm up one hand at a time, or i could just stick my hand under my ass for free. but wait! i have a 110 volt, 7 amp, 750 watt power converter in my truck. so i bought a little household heater. just as i was about to plug it in while idling in the parking lot, i....ran out of gas! mercifully, not out on the road. the one thing i'm prepared for! (i have a gallon jug of gas in the back, cuz my gas gauge doesn't work.) so THEN i limped to the gas station and dropped $35 bucks for gas--NOW i'm ready to hit the road back to syracuse. i gleefully plugged in my new heater and listened to it scream in agony and begin to stink like hot motor because it apparently draws more power than the converter puts out. so no heat. great. apparently they lied when they wrote on the box that it only draws 600 watts. maybe you have to convert it to chinese watts, since that's where it was probly made.
then i went to mcdonalds. substituted hot chocolate for the soda. it was too hot, so i put it in front of the heater vent to cool it off. but not before i burned my tongue.
i thought i was the coldest person on the road until i this guy on a harley came up behind me on the highway. i felt bad for him for about 2 seconds, as i moved over to let him pass, and then instantly wished his balls would freeze off as he dodged me and another car to pass me on the right while giving me a dirty look. prick. can't wait half a second for me to move, so he nearly makes me run his ass over. then while downtown some jackass honked at me while i was waiting to turn. then i came up on a car parked right on the edge of an intersection. i wanted to give it a bumper-nudge into the intersection so a passing 18-wheeler could t-bone the shit out of it. but i didn't.
i also figured out why i'm so poor. the 6-month-old pay program at work has jacked me out of about 6 grand that i woulda had, as each check gets smaller and smaller. dirty bastards.
finally, one good note: the lunar eclipse was a great show. i haven't seen one in many years. it really gives perspective in regards to the solar system and the moon's orbit and all that. very cool for the science dorks out there, like me.
anyone seen the discovery show, Dirty Jobs? very funny show. too bad discovery doesnt even have it on their website, or i'd link it. it's on fridays at 10. (yeah, i know, you're home on friday nights like me.) ever wonder what they do with fish remnants? know what it's like to tromp thru several feet of bat shit? or did you know that EVERY baseball used by EVERY major league team for the last 50-some years is rubbed with some kind of backwoods bayou mud that is collected by this redneck guy down south? you didn't know that, and now you do. watch the show.
i have gotten 0.00 emails in the last two days. neither has mark. it's gotta be a conspiracy. someone's eating all the emails.

my life is like a Ben Stiller movie.
where do i begin. yesterday, i couldn't get anything to go my way. my day was pathetically, ironically, and incessantly going wrong. once again, i spent a better part of the day parts-hunting for the red truck, including the 200 mile round trip lafargeville and back to syracuse. i went to advance auto, which, for some reason, i keep going back to even though they perpetually give me the wrong freaking parts. this time, i returned a heater hose and got a bunch of other crap. after having my sale interrupted by 20 other customers and phone calls (as usual at advance auto) they tallied my total. since i'm broke, i whipped out the credit card. de-NIED. what the *&%$#??? i since i had taken all other credit cards out of my wallet, i had to drive all the way back to my apartment, thru the sketchy part of town around the junk cars on the street and past the leering stares of the downtrodden getto-dwellers for a total of THREE TIMES to get another card. i grabbed two, just in case, and a smart thing too, cuz the first one i tried using what the @#&%$??? turns out my payment is 1.3 days late on the first, so it's "off" til they receive payment, and the other, they closed the account due to lack of use. how convenient! THEN i was off to another parts store to return another part and had to deal with this freaking yutz that couldn't understand how they'd given me the wrong part. anyway, then i was off to lafargeville.
it was a cold-ass ride. near record lows. like 20's and 30's low. not bad by a northern new yorker's standards, but bad enuff for early november, especially in a soft top jeep with no heater. you'd think after three grand of motor work, the heater would put out, but no. 0.00 BTU's of heat. just cold air. i dicked with the heater and thought i had it fixed, and also put a piece of cardboard infront of the radiator. no difference. i could remove the radiator and connect the two hoses together and this thing would still not get hot. frigging prehistoric cold-blooded freak of the automotive world. upon inspection, the heater hoses were ice cold, meaning the heater core is probly plugged. NEXT, i brought the parts (including heater parts--neither vehicle has heat) to tom (the guy working on the truck) and when we opened one of the boxes, we discovered the knucklehead counter guy at advance gave me the wrong brake caliper. apparently to him, the "right side" means "drivers side." GODDAMMIT! after nearly $1000 in repairs, most of which is going on credit, i'm really wondering if i should just sell this truck and start over. but i've frickin fixed everything that CAN be fixed! what could POSSIBLY go wrong now?? (famous last words, no doubt.)
i checked out heaters at walmart--the kind that plug into the cigarette lighter. for 30 bucks, i could buy one that could warm up one hand at a time, or i could just stick my hand under my ass for free. but wait! i have a 110 volt, 7 amp, 750 watt power converter in my truck. so i bought a little household heater. just as i was about to plug it in while idling in the parking lot, i....ran out of gas! mercifully, not out on the road. the one thing i'm prepared for! (i have a gallon jug of gas in the back, cuz my gas gauge doesn't work.) so THEN i limped to the gas station and dropped $35 bucks for gas--NOW i'm ready to hit the road back to syracuse. i gleefully plugged in my new heater and listened to it scream in agony and begin to stink like hot motor because it apparently draws more power than the converter puts out. so no heat. great. apparently they lied when they wrote on the box that it only draws 600 watts. maybe you have to convert it to chinese watts, since that's where it was probly made.
then i went to mcdonalds. substituted hot chocolate for the soda. it was too hot, so i put it in front of the heater vent to cool it off. but not before i burned my tongue.
i thought i was the coldest person on the road until i this guy on a harley came up behind me on the highway. i felt bad for him for about 2 seconds, as i moved over to let him pass, and then instantly wished his balls would freeze off as he dodged me and another car to pass me on the right while giving me a dirty look. prick. can't wait half a second for me to move, so he nearly makes me run his ass over. then while downtown some jackass honked at me while i was waiting to turn. then i came up on a car parked right on the edge of an intersection. i wanted to give it a bumper-nudge into the intersection so a passing 18-wheeler could t-bone the shit out of it. but i didn't.
i also figured out why i'm so poor. the 6-month-old pay program at work has jacked me out of about 6 grand that i woulda had, as each check gets smaller and smaller. dirty bastards.

finally, one good note: the lunar eclipse was a great show. i haven't seen one in many years. it really gives perspective in regards to the solar system and the moon's orbit and all that. very cool for the science dorks out there, like me.
anyone seen the discovery show, Dirty Jobs? very funny show. too bad discovery doesnt even have it on their website, or i'd link it. it's on fridays at 10. (yeah, i know, you're home on friday nights like me.) ever wonder what they do with fish remnants? know what it's like to tromp thru several feet of bat shit? or did you know that EVERY baseball used by EVERY major league team for the last 50-some years is rubbed with some kind of backwoods bayou mud that is collected by this redneck guy down south? you didn't know that, and now you do. watch the show.
i have gotten 0.00 emails in the last two days. neither has mark. it's gotta be a conspiracy. someone's eating all the emails.