at my job's awards banquet last night: "and the central NY shop of the year goes to...(us)!" (we all go nucking futs. all wrongs are forgiven.) "oh wait, i'm sorry. sorry. the shop of the year goes to (a different shop). sorry about that, guys. congratulations, (them)!" (all forgiveness immediately re-friggin-voked.) you've got to be fff-freaking kidding me. some of our guys were halfway to the podium already.
ah, runners up. second best is almost as good. at least our location got a bunch of other cool awards. none for me personally, but i expected none. i did however win one of the raffle items--a big-ass foster's beer umbrella (for a patio table.) i don't know what the hell to do with it, but i like it anyway. we had it out on the dance floor and one of the guys did a well-recieved pole dance on it. if only we'd had a camera, you'd be seeing jay in all his glory now.
since my cash flow approximately equals my earnings, i've been avoiding buying groceries for a couple weeks now. but at this point, i have just enough TP for one more job, so i finally broke down and went to wegmans, the grocery store that has everything. everything you need and a lot of shit you'll never need. everything but: golden griddle syrup, crowley's yogurt, eggo mini waffles that aren't freezerburnt, and pumpkin pie that ain't half baked. and i swear to gawd they re-arrange the toiletries/bathroom stuff section EVERY FREAKIN DAY. you think you know where to find the right guard sport stick and then it's not there anymore. it's over where the depends used to be. no, wait--i'm thinking of the hairspray. that used to be in next to the band-aids. shit, no... wait... lysterine... herbal essences... IN THE CHEESE SECTION?? what the hell.
so i had to go to P&C to get the last odds & ends. good old P&C. they may be going out of business, but at least they have golden griddle syrup.
apparently the balmy southern climate of Syracuse, NY is the perfect place for black and pinkish-red crap to grow in my tub, sink and toilet (or as my dad calls it, the "terlit".) this is opposed to NNY, where you can't hardly get dandelions to grow before winter. i've never seen red stuff grow anywhere before. the dow scrubbing bubbles only knock it down for a week or so. i'm waiting for the yellow slime molds to start oozing out of the tub next.
i guess i just don't understand how the internet works. according to my blogger stats, someone found my blog while doing a yahoo search for "jeep wrangler oil change walk thru". okay, there are about a batrillion websites out there, give or take a couple, right? and some dude trying to figure out how to change his oil ends up on my site? how does my crap have any relavance to that? i've mentioned "jeep", "oil change", and "wrangler" but...whatever. i just don't get it. isn't there something else out there that could possibly be more helpful to this dude (or chick) trying to change their oil? not that i mind someone finding my site...that's the whole point of the thing.
as you can see, things have been quite confusing in the last 24 hours. at least tony wrote me back--i emailed him a thanks-for-the-link email. tony rocks.
mark: i have bruce springsteen's hits CD. don't waste more money on itunes.
and surge sucked. sorry. it was good the first time we tried it, like in 1996 or whenever, but now i'll take a mountain dew over that stuff any day.