i'd better not put my new sticker anywhere i dont want it removed. according to mark, his johnny cash sticker was a sticky bastard. (we got 'em both at some place in kingston, ON. can't remember the name, maybe he can.)
would someone please explain to me why i made brownies at 2 am on a saturday night? has my social life deteriorated that far? or did it never exist? who DOES that? (no, they weren't pot brownies, you burnt-out losers.) plain old freakin brownies. store brand box mix, no less. come to think of it, that was the same night megan called me at 2 am, just to talk. i guess she was just leaving (stumbling?) out of the bar at that point. (yes, the same bar with the ruthless, law-breaking smokers.) ah! it all comes clear now. the brownies are symbolic of my desire to do something wild and crazy but i don't have to deal with smelling like smoke afterwards!
...naw, on second thought...i'm just a brownie bakin' dork. they were good though. nice & half baked in the middle.
cowboy wisdom....
never miss a good chance to shut up.
there are more horses asses than horses.
when it comes to being a poseur cowboy, i rule.