"the blue one?" she asked, referring to the jeep. "yup, pump 4."
"it didn't go through," she mobil chick said, "i'll run it through manually."
i had pumped $33 in gas on my credit card, and the receipt didn't print.
must be out of paper, i thought. oh well. screw it. "no, wait. i want that receipt."
so i went in & asked for it. if i'd only been less anal about getting the
damn receipt, i coulda gotten a free tank of gas and not even felt any
guilt cuz i wouldn't have even known i wasn't charged. just as well, i guess...it's punishable with up to a $1000 fine if you take off without paying in NY. i don't need that kind of trouble, especially when i'm trying to get into the police academy.
speaking of the academy--i accomplished more at the gym tonight than i have in weeks. ran 4.5 miles, 120 sit ups, 100 push ups. keeps getting easier and easier. i'll probably regret it tomorrow, though. oof.
at least i made it through the day without any traumatic, academy-threatening injuries. gotta hold it together for 12 more days. i damn near went onto the hood of a saturn today at work when the crazy old coot behind the wheel came flying into the detail shop at what seemed to be 30 mph before we flagged her down. at what point did you think we were gonna clean your car, for christ's sake?? read the signs and stop at the damn door, people. some nut does this at least once every couple weeks. at least this one came in the ENTRANCE instead of the EXIT door. ignorance is bliss unless you're the one who has to deal with the end result of someone else's FLAGRANT STUPIDITY!!! 1..2...3....4.....5......6.......7.........ah, much better.
EVOC training...hope my faulty ear can pass the muster. my achilles heel.
"it didn't go through," she mobil chick said, "i'll run it through manually."
i had pumped $33 in gas on my credit card, and the receipt didn't print.
must be out of paper, i thought. oh well. screw it. "no, wait. i want that receipt."
so i went in & asked for it. if i'd only been less anal about getting the
damn receipt, i coulda gotten a free tank of gas and not even felt any
guilt cuz i wouldn't have even known i wasn't charged. just as well, i guess...it's punishable with up to a $1000 fine if you take off without paying in NY. i don't need that kind of trouble, especially when i'm trying to get into the police academy.
speaking of the academy--i accomplished more at the gym tonight than i have in weeks. ran 4.5 miles, 120 sit ups, 100 push ups. keeps getting easier and easier. i'll probably regret it tomorrow, though. oof.
at least i made it through the day without any traumatic, academy-threatening injuries. gotta hold it together for 12 more days. i damn near went onto the hood of a saturn today at work when the crazy old coot behind the wheel came flying into the detail shop at what seemed to be 30 mph before we flagged her down. at what point did you think we were gonna clean your car, for christ's sake?? read the signs and stop at the damn door, people. some nut does this at least once every couple weeks. at least this one came in the ENTRANCE instead of the EXIT door. ignorance is bliss unless you're the one who has to deal with the end result of someone else's FLAGRANT STUPIDITY!!! 1..2...3....4.....5......6.......7.........ah, much better.

EVOC training...hope my faulty ear can pass the muster. my achilles heel.