after reading today's blog, consider yourself 18% stupider than you were before. it's late and i'm tired. quality suffers.
why is it i'm always ahead of the times? am i that cool? yes.
lite beer. i drank it before it was cool. i'd buy a keg of it for the frat and everyone would get pissed. but now, lite beer and low carbs are the rage.
top gun ray bans. i had em when i was in 7th grade. (that was like, '91.) they were prescription, no less. and now? everyone is wearing dollar store aviator sunglasses. and...umm...i am too. again.
long sleeved t-shirts. i had these damn things when they were sorely out of style. you know, a t-shirt with the bright colored sleeves and some ironed-on logo like "FORD RACING" or something. now i wish i still had them... maybe i do. somewhere.
vented hats. farmers wear 'em. and no one else. until now. if you have a vintage vented cap, you can wear it, and be cool. is the brim is flat? even better. just don't have a flat brim on your fitted baseball cap, DORK.
AMC/Jeep. okay, i can't take credit for this one, but i drive one. remember the AMC eagle? the four wheel drive car? sure you do. and now everything is four wheel drive. for example, the Audi All Road is the 21st century eagle--sorta. and of course, there's the jeep scrambler--a mini pickup from the 80's before mini pickups were cool. and now? scramblers are rare and expensive. and cool. i think so, anyway.

why is it i'm always ahead of the times? am i that cool? yes.
lite beer. i drank it before it was cool. i'd buy a keg of it for the frat and everyone would get pissed. but now, lite beer and low carbs are the rage.
top gun ray bans. i had em when i was in 7th grade. (that was like, '91.) they were prescription, no less. and now? everyone is wearing dollar store aviator sunglasses. and...umm...i am too. again.
long sleeved t-shirts. i had these damn things when they were sorely out of style. you know, a t-shirt with the bright colored sleeves and some ironed-on logo like "FORD RACING" or something. now i wish i still had them... maybe i do. somewhere.
vented hats. farmers wear 'em. and no one else. until now. if you have a vintage vented cap, you can wear it, and be cool. is the brim is flat? even better. just don't have a flat brim on your fitted baseball cap, DORK.
AMC/Jeep. okay, i can't take credit for this one, but i drive one. remember the AMC eagle? the four wheel drive car? sure you do. and now everything is four wheel drive. for example, the Audi All Road is the 21st century eagle--sorta. and of course, there's the jeep scrambler--a mini pickup from the 80's before mini pickups were cool. and now? scramblers are rare and expensive. and cool. i think so, anyway.