trying to think of something witty to put here to keep you folks interested.... i'm drawing a blank.
any guesses on where this is? the first correct guesser WINS!
you win nothing but the satisfaction in knowing you won. and Blarf Points, too.
dert de der. it's late, hot, and i should be sleeping. the A/C will be on tonight. the creative urge has not struck me yet as i sit here, but the urge to satisfy hungry blarf readers has.
i command you all:
Tis not quantity, but rather quality, that may inspire and stimulate thy mind. be inspired. be stimulated.
the rabbits in that rubbermaid box are FREAKING OUT right now. (and you won't figure THAT one out, either.)
and now, a photo from the Useless Sidenote Department:

the notorious Dalmahusky of Brockville, Ontario
(or maybe it's a Huskalmation, i'm not sure.) whatever it is, it's a really cool dog and i want one. it's not often i feel the need to do a photo shoot with a dog behind a canadian dive shop, but this one piqued my interest.