for those of you eagerly awaiting my AZ scrapbook . . .
. . . don't get too excited. it's not done yet.
but it IS out of the box again! Ye Olde Volume One has been done for a while and, right now, i'm plugging away on Volume Two. i really need to get it done cuz i'm starting to forget names & events. heck, some of this stuff was almost seven years ago and it's still not done. truth be told, the blarf has cut into scrapbooking time since i started the blarf in october of '03, so at least i can say i was doing something constructive in the meantime. the last time i touched it was last spring/summer and it's been in a moving box ever since--but now i've set up shop again at mom & dad's.
in the end, both volumes will cover the fall of '98 thru the fall of '01, with a guesstimate of 600 pictures or more. it just might spill over into three volumes. teaser looks are available at mom & dad's house, so if you wanna get a sneak peak, drop in. the plan is, if you want the planned CD version, i just need a couple bucks to cover the cost of burning. place advance orders now!*
* don't place any orders just yet. it might be a couple more years before it's done. hold on to your bucks.