after several months of stagnation, i finally got some new fish. it's harder to get a new fish than you might think because whenever you go to a pet store, the fish people tell you that the fish you want is not compatible with the fish you already have. therefore, you have to lie:
fish person: "this fish is particularly aggressive. what kind of fish do you already have?"
me: "uhhh, some tiger barbs, a big dumb tinfoil barb, bala sharks, and loaches." (conveniently ignoring the helpless little neon tetras, bloodfins, and danios that i also have.)
fish person: "ok. how many fish do you have in the tank?"
me: "umm, 8 or 10." (more like 18, exactly.)
fish person: "and how big is your tank?"
me: "55 gallons." (this much is true.)

after gaining approval for a beautiful blue african cichlid that i shouldn't have been allowed to purchase, i went home with guilt and fear that this little bastard would soon be munching on my beloved little zebra danios, who have been in my tank since day one--way back in october of '03. against my better judgement, i put this potential monster in the tank, along with a little eel that i also bought (which was considered harmless.) the eel immediately squiggled away under a rock and i haven't seen the little bugger since. the cichlid, however, was quite the crowd pleaser. my other fish haven't seen anyone new in about 4 months, so a new face created a stir. all the other fish took a great interest in meeting the new kid in school (school of fish--get it, get it??) surprisingly, the cichlid did not start plotting an attack; rather, he explored his new home with a throng of followers watching every move. one fish in particular, a female molly, took great interest (i assume because she too is also blue.) she followed him around like crazy all evening.
so much for the evil, aggressive cichlid. he's got a girlfriend, whether he likes it or not.
and in other news:
this past week was looong. i was whooped. my downstairs neighbor noticed how tired i looked on friday night--he was right. five straight 12-hour days will have you waking up in the morning looking like keith richards. and it didn't help that my chainsmoking, alcoholic assistant manager (not to be confused with the chainsmoking, alcoholic keith richards) sent the other guy home without telling or asking anyone, so i had to return and stay 'til close on my supposed early day. but luckily i have today and tomorrow off to recover, sleep, and live my life. two days off in a row never happens, and for that i am thankful.

Tone-Loc: Time-Less?
i dug out my tone-loc album today and listened to the whole thing, start to finish. it's a better album than i remember, and actually quite relevant even 17 years after it's release. why? the album has legs. you still hear "Funky Cold Medina" and "Wild Thing" to this day. "Don't Get Close" samples some hard rock that sounds similar to Jay-Z and Linkin Park's "Collision Course" album from 2004. and "On Fire" samples some positively badd-azz guitar, drums and cowbell. gotta love the cowbell.
call me crazy, but i think tone was on to something.
Funk and Games: what song did Tone Loc sample in his 1988 hit "Wild Thing"? post your answer in the comments and earn Blarf Points.
Super-Double-Blarf-Points Question: what other early rapper co-wrote both "Funky Cold Medina" and "Wild Thing"? hint: he was a one-hit wonder.
And An Easier Question to Make You Feel Better if You Didn't Know the Other Answers: in what movie did Tone Loc co-star with Jim Carrey in 1994?