my first closeup. i have been exposed. (don't be fooled; i can't play that thing.)
Time has been flying fast lately. weeks have been flying by like days. i've turned 26--i'm getting ever closer to 30. gettin' old.
ever had one of those dreams where you don't remember things you're supposed to? i lived one this evening when i went down to the laundry room and couldn't remember my storage locker combo. the same number i've used a million times for over a year--but there's been so much going on in my life lately that even the little things have been forgotten. it freaks you out a bit. i like to think of it as an einstein-style trait. i just hope i don't forget where the hell i live...come to think of it, i had to think for a second to come up with my address a couple days ago at the bank! i'm loosing my freaking mind!
one of the things going on that's kept me busy is my birthday present to myself--a fishy tank. we had one when i was a kid, so i figured we'd have almost all the stuff i needed, and for the most part, all i would need was some new fish. wrong! i've dropped a monetery humungo-turd on this thing (filter, new air pump, gravel, plants, hood w/light, hoses, decorations, water treatment stuff, etc., and of course, "Aquariums for Dipshits") and i still don't have any damn fish. but i must admit, it's a pretty swank tank if i say so myself. just needs some fishies. with a little luck, i will have the aquarium long enough to get the little bastards--as luck would have it, my heat conked out and the apartment people had to come into my pad and fix it while i was gone. and of course, this tank was sitting there, bubbling away in all it's freakin' aquatic glory, thumbing it's nose at the clause in the contract that says, "no goddamn animals in the aforementioned dwelling or we acquire your security deposit, including the measly interest the you have accrued" (which totals like 2 dollars and seventy-one cents.) but the guy who probably came up here to fix it, well, i gave him a free wax upgrade when he came into my shop, so while in my apartment, he must have conveniently overlooked the huge, fragile glass tank holding over 200 pounds of water, rocks, gravel, and more water. nothing was said--at least not yet. gotta keep it that way. crossing my fins. ha ha. (yeah, i'm a dork.)