yesterday at work, some random guy being interviewed said to me, "hey, everyone must tell you that you look like like Andy Garcia." and of course, the gears started grinding in the heads of others in the room and they immediately agreed with him. i replied, "actually, no, they say i look like Barry Manilow." he then said "yeah, when you smile you look like Barry, but otherwise you look like Andy."
Richard Grieco, Barry Manilow, and now Andy Garcia? what is WITH people? and what is up with this "looks like" stuff all the sudden in my life? never before have i been compared to anyone, and only in the last year has anyone ever said to me that i look like someone they know, and that's happened 3 times. shaving the goatee must have made the difference.
i must admit, if i look like any of those guys, looking like Andy Garcia is the most flattering.
i suppose if someone could mix photos of barry, andy, and richard, maybe it would look like me.
in other news:
my new favorite song of the month is "No More Tears" by Ozzy Osbourne. i've never been a big Ozzy fan, but this song has such uplifting synth and guitar riffs, yet still has the dark, heavy bass and drums common in heavy metal. and hearing Ozzy sing like a normal human being is kinda cool too, since nowadays the frigging guy can't form a logical sentence without asking his bitch wife for help. anyway, i think it's the bassline that sets it off--it makes me want to dig out the bass i bought a couple years ago and finally learn to play it. i love the sound of a bass guitar...

...which is an excellent segue (first time i've ever used that word!) to last night's extracurricular activity. at the request of a friend, i reluctantly attended a chorus/band concert at the big high school in town. i wasn't really interested until it got underway--and it was actually pretty cool. it was a combination of instructors, students, and local savants all singing & playing wind & string instruments. i was wowed. it's impressive seeing 70+ violinists all playing in synchronization. there were even 4-year olds busting out on the violin like it was nobody's business. it made me feel like a retard for not being able to play anything except shitty drum set. i particularly fell in love with the cello--it's rediculously huge and wonderfully excessive (much like, say, a '75 cadillac eldorado with a 500ci motor) and has such a groovy bass sound. did i mention i love bass?

i love bass...er, i mean bass:

and i also met Abby yesterday. Abby is the most beautiful yellow lab pup ever. i've always liked labs, especially black ones. i must have one. i've been thinking i'd like to hit up the local pound to see what they've got. i wouldn't mind getting a dog. it's been almost a year since Spaz died--maybe it's time for a new buddy. a black lab-esque dog would be cool.

"it just goes to show you, kids: don't do drugs, or for christ's sake, you'll end up like Ozzy."