www.cupid.com's radio slogan: "no overseas impossiblities"--that struck a chord with me. nope, i do NOT need another one of those. i need a "within 30 miles and really cool" kind of girl.

i've got nothing cool to say today. i think it's time to have a photo spree with some lame captions to go with them. (i'm too lazy to come up with a caption for the corn picture above.)

i'm breaking my "no pictures of me on the blarf anymore cuz i'll get recognized" rule. this is me with grandpa in 1977. my mom still has that pie plate. i think dad still has grandpa's green jacket somewhere.

this was at the "Monster Jam" monster truck rally at the local speedway. the nieces & nephews absolutely had to have the grave digger toys--whatever the hell they are--those spinny-thingies with the red lights.


....Bigfoot can kick gravedigger's ass any day.

i love this picture. nothing says comedy like a cop-hating stuffed squirrel. this instant classic came from my days in new job training.

this was my most recent brush with death and/or dismemberment. when pulling out of a parking lot in the scrambler, i heard a grinding noise--DAMN! another spun hub spline, i thought. it sounded the same as in 1998 when the hub spun on the spline and i had to run it in front wheel drive. little did i know that this time, the axle shaft had actually BROKEN OFF COMPLETELY. the only thing holding the wheel on the vehicle was cohesive tension, i believe, as i drove 10 miles home in front wheel drive. after i jacked up the jeep the wheel practically fell off in my hands. i am one lucky jackass. the jeep now features new, one-piece rear axle shafts.
this was at the same time that both of my other vehicles were broken down--the explorer was laid up with a bad transfer case and the comanche lame due to a rotted radiator. i own three freaking vehicles and they were all broken down. after nearly a grand in repair costs, several headaches, hundreds of f-bombs, and a few bloody knuckles, all three are running again--for now.

while in Jreck Subs (in uniform) the other day, some crazy woman with too much makeup told me that i looked like Richard Grieco (you know, the only hollywood actor to come out of watertown until Viggo Mortenson came along.)
after determining that she was on crack, i was then told by the lady making my sub that no, i don't exactly look like Richard Grieco, but i have his eyes. she too must have been on crack, since Richard's eyes are brown, not blue (i checked.) the sub lady went on to say that she went to school with richard and even kissed him in junior high. whatever. keep dreamin', ladies. but if you want to think i look like the star of "21 Jump Street" and "Booker", go right ahead.
and THEN...

...the guys at work decided i look like a young Barry Manilow. my theme song is now "Copacabana". i'd rather be told i look like richard grieco. i would wear Barry's white leisure suit in a heartbeat, though.

Empire apples in Mexico, NY. once you try an Empire, you'll give up on those shitty Macintosh (Crapintosh) & Red Delicious (Red Disgusting) apples forever. good riddance to crappy apples.

sunrise on the farm. since i'm not working the night shift anymore, i will never come home at sunrise again. thank GOD.
update: i will be going back to night shift for a minimum of a couple weeks. that sucks.

look closely. this is my detailing trailer.

the autumn display this year has been a bit lacking cuz of all the wind and rain, but there are some good photos to be taken. this is in the backyard.

and now one from the "just what the hell is going on here" department: anyone who knows what's going on here, put your answer in the comments for super blarf points.
i guess that's it for now. i'm out of pictures and i'm out of steam. have a blarfiful day.