and then there was light.
typically i second-guess all of my decisions--turning over every possible option a dozen times before coming to a conclusion--but to leave ELTADAY ONICSAY has been one of the easiest decisions i have made in a long time.
today was my last day.
it was great. i came in at 6:30 for opening, and we were busy right off the bat. everyone was really cool, and aside from the asshole GM harrrassing us on the phone, everything went smoothly. i made several 11th hour repairs & fixes (it was in sympathy for the company, since i will taking 90% of the collective mechanical ability with me when i go.) the other managers were busy yelling at each other all day. ha ha. not me. i'm beyond that. the weather was nice. and the employees all had something nice to say. and as a coup de grace, my ex and i had planned for her to come in to have her car be the last car i ever detail at DS. hey, SOMEbody had to have the last car i clean, why not have it belong to someone i care about? it was fitting, in a weird sort of way. we were still dating when i took this job, and now as friends, i'm leaving it behind. she, too, is taking a new job, in maryland... we're both headed in new directions. it was some sort of closure, in a twisted kinda way.
as i was cleaning the ex-mobile, several of the guys & girls came over to say their goodbyes & stuff, including the HoT 17 year old chick who came in on her day off to bring me cupcakes, as she promised. (i had let her go early on saturday, so she promised me cake. yee ha!) after i punched out for the last time, it took me almost an hour to make my rounds, shaking hands and saying goodbye to all those working. it was then that it really struck me; i have a LOT of friends here. friends that give a damn about me and the fact that i'm leaving. and all of the sudden, i felt the overwhelming urge to actually hang out with these people now, without the manager vs. employee pretense that's existed for nearly two years. and now that i've cleaned out and rearranged my apartment, i feel like throwing a goddamn party. an applebee's night with a huge crew of (former) coworkers is planned for tomorrow, and maybe we'll have an after hours thing here.
when i had talked to everyone i know, i headed out to my truck to leave, but the conciliatory bastard in me made me stop. i couldn't walk away without at least saying something nice to the asshole who helped bring me down. the inability to burn bridges is a tuff thing to overcome. so i turned back, wished him well, shook his hand, and called it even. and i got an open invitation to hang out at a strip club sometime. great. see, burning bridges never gets your ass anywhere.
i've been blarfing up a storm lately. a whirlwind of blarf. and thanks to mark for the layout changes. the scrambler-blue-hues rock.