from the "Let's Beat A Dead Horse" department:
somehow, amongst all this talk of demotions, i failed to mention that the demotion had been on its way since november. ("super-duh" on my part.) that's when the GM's told me to my face that they did not want me in the senior manager position because i was looking elsewhere for jobs, as they want a career-minded person in this position. the farce that was my committee meeting was just a bunch of BS, especially when you consider the fact that i scored higher on my evaluation that the other senior, who got to keep his job. and of course, nothing was said during the meeting about the original reason for the demotion, as it might not be a legit reason to boot someone (a wise move by the GM's.) is it legal to demote someone for looking for another job? or is it merely a "dick move"? anyone out there know anything about legalities surrounding stuff like this?
i put in my 2 weeks notice today. that's 2 weeks more than the bastards deserve.
from the "Let's Get Over The Job Thing Already" department:
what i'm listening to: Kid Rock's self titled new album. it's... not bad. could be better. he's got the right idea when infusing country, rock, blues, and hip hop, but the lyrics are weak and so is his voice. and it would be nice if he didn't feel the need to make a reference to snorting lines in every other song. i hate that shit.
and i also got Sheryl Crow's hits album. very good. it's got all her good stuff. including the song "picture" with kid rock, and his obligitory reference to goddamn cocaine.
and finally...No Doubt's hits album. haven't actually listened to it yet. should be good stuff.
i just dumped a huge wad on the credit card to prepare for the new job. the goodies include: way too many new shirts, sweaters & pants, and four books (to help me learn how to do what it is i've been hired to do.) i was close to buying the dummies book for this topic, but it sucked in comparison to the others i found. i used to love dummies books, but lately i've gotten a couple crappy ones that don't live up to the dummies name, so i've lost faith in them. anyway, it should be interesting to see if i can pick up the trade by reading a damn book. four books, actually. and about the clothes--i justified most of it by the simple fact that, aside from a short stint as a substitute teacher, i have never had a job that did not require getting dirty and/or wearing a uniform until now. for years i've been wearing a damn uniform and nametag 90% of my waking hours. the other 10%...t shirts and crappy jeans have sufficed, since all i do is sit in front of this computer, and when i actually do go out, my late 90's fashion has worked just fine, thank you.
but now i will be dead-sexy and nametag-free. until the next job. then i'll just be dead-sexy.