my last night as the closing manager went well. more farewells. goofiness on the radios. fun and games. and the shop is spotless. this was on purpose, so i can gauge how crappy the place gets after i'm gone. (one of my specialties is cleanliness.) one more day--i open on monday.
i managed to miss the bud shootout at daytona tonight. shit. didn't even THINK of it. the racing off-season went so fast, i didn't even notice. all the more reason for change. maybe with the new job, things will slow down enough so i can enjoy life for a change.
tonight, i did have fun for a change. dreading spending another night doing nothing, mark and i... decided to go bowling! we ended up at bowl mor lanes in east syracuse. i was pretty rusty, since the last time i went bowling was in... 2001?? what have i been doing for the last 3 years? more proof that i haven't done anything but work for too long.
in that same vein, i've decided against going to florida for my down time between jobs. i don't have the money, a place to stay, or an itinerary. and going to texas...well, that woulda been a great trip...but let's not go there. literally or figuratively. long story.
anyway...back to bowling. unfortunately we didn't end up in a lane next to hot chicks, but rather, we were surrounded by a bunch of dudes. dudes who could bowl better than us. hell, the 14 year old girl next to us was bowling better than me at one point. as per usual, i peaked early and sucked soon after. beer and sore thumbs tend to do that to your score. i was crappy as usual, although i did manage to nail a strike while talking on the cell phone. not too shabby. mark was a bit more consistent, but he didn't try switch-hitting in game 3 or switching balls in game 5, like i did. in all, we managed to fit in 6 games during the extreme bowling/disco/rock 'n bowl unlimited game period.
final scores:
Suck It Easy (me): 121, 98, 93, 110, 95, 101. Sharkie (aka mark): 87, 84, 120, 96, 90, 102.
AVERAGE: Suck It Easy: 103. Sharkie: 96.5.
I may have sucked, but it was good enough to win. it was all in the ball. ironically, the ball i switched to had "shark" engraved on it, which was bad karma for mark, having already choosen his nom de bowl. if we were still in high school, that ball would be on my living room floor right now, but being the upstanding citizen that i am, and being that i am trying to get into the police academy, i don't need to be swiping pearly blue bowling balls that have "shark" engraved on them. or any balls, for that matter. the bowling alley woulda deserved it though, since while cleaning our table, the putz from the shoe counter picked up our beer cups and DUMPED THEM BACK IN THE PITCHER. and then TOOK THE CUPS AWAY AND LEFT THE PITCHER. now picture this situation in your mind and try to comprehend what the hell was going thru this guy's head when he did this. got it? neither do we. what the hell are we supposed to do, finish the pitcher by drinking out of opposite sides?? we did that for a sip or two before realizing that was just as stupid as having our cups taken away, so we abandoned the beer in disgust.
the competition was even closer on the way home--we tried to sing along with as much of "you may be right" by billy joel as we could without screwing up the lyrics. it ended in a draw, since we both frigged it up evenly. i had an unfair advantage, though--i've had billy joel's hits CD's playing in my truck for days now. (dirty rotten bastard cheater i am, i woulda gotten beat bad if it wasn't for that.) with mark being slightly inebriated, i finally convinced him to watch "Super Troopers" when we got back to my apartment. he won't admit it, but he thought it was funny. i took his "worst movie ever" comment as as compliment. it was a personal victory just getting him to watch it.
and then it was 4 am and i went to bed the end zzzzzzz.
and a note from sunday evening: today, mark and i got me a new emachines T2792, with flat panel monitor. pretty swank. my credit card is in agonizing pain. but at least i can now right-click on something without the computer crashing. thanks, compaq SBW250. it's been a good four years. actually, it hasn't, but we can pretend. now you're on backup. and now i'm more in debt than ever. gonna have to sell hard at the new job to make up for it.
the old job called me today--"are you gonna show up for work tomorrow? the supervisor wanted me to call and ask." yes, of course i am going to show up for work on my last day, you JACKASSES. unlike the other immature screwups that work there, i have the integrity, maturity, and respect to show up on my last day like i said i would in my two weeks notice. this is all the more reason to get the hell out of here. i can't stand this assumed-immaturity BS. i need a real job with real coworkers. does that exist?